Product Innovation, Brand Trust, Customer Experience, Repurchase IntentionAbstract
In an increasingly competitive business environment, craft sector MSMEs need to understand the factors that drive customer loyalty in order to maintain business sustainability. Product innovation is one of the main strategies to increase competitiveness, while brand trust and customer experience play an essential role in building customer trust and satisfaction. This study aims to reveal the effect of product innovation, brand trust, and customer experience on the intention to repurchase MSME craft products. This study uses a quantitative method with data collection through a survey of craft product consumers in Indonesia. The results show that product innovation, brand trust, and customer experience positively and significantly affect consumer repurchase intentions. Relevant and sustainable product innovation encourages consumers to repurchase, while brand trust strengthens loyalty by creating a sense of security and trust in product quality. In addition, positive customer experiences in terms of service interactions and product quality further strengthen consumers' intention to repurchase. These findings provide important implications for MSMEs in designing effective marketing strategies to increase consumer loyalty through innovative approaches, strengthening brands, and improving customer experience.
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