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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The Manuscript has not been published or is not in the process of submission for publication to other media and does not contain elements of plagiarism, and enclosing written statement from the author.
  • The Manuscript is written in Indonesian or English using Template of Maker: Jurnal Manajemen (click here)
  • The length of the Manuscript is at least 4000 words (about 14 pages) and does not exceed 7000 words (approximately 20 pages) including drawings, graphs/tables (if any) and bibliography.
  • The Manuscript should enclose the abstracts in English and Indonesian.
  • The paper is submitted in Ms. Word.

Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines Maker: Jurnal Manajemen

General Writer's Guidelines

  1. Manuscripts must be written in Indonesian or English and have never been published or are not in the process of being submitted for publication to other media and do not contain elements of plagiarism.

  2. Manuscripts can be in the form of research results, literature studies, ideas, theoretical applications, and critical analysis studies in the field of management.

  3. Authors must register as authors. Guidelines for registering and submitting article manuscripts are at the bottom.

  4. The manuscript will be published in Maker: Journal of Management after being reviewed by peer reviewers.

  5. Manuscripts should be prepared according to the following author's Guidelines and Template. Writing templates can be downloaded here.


  1. Writing systematics includes at least an introduction, theoretical basis, methods, results and discussion, conclusions and suggestions, and a bibliography. Thank you/Award (if any) and Short Profile (if any) are placed after the Bibliography.

  2. Articles are typed in Times New Roman font size 12 point with 1.15 spacing on A4 paper, except for writing the title using size 13 point and the abstract using size 11 point and spacing 1.

  3. The size of the top margin is 3 cm, the bottom border is 2 cm, the left border is 3 cm, and the right border is 2 cm.

  4. For writing abstracts in Indonesian and English, they are written in 1 column format, while introductions and references are written in 2 column format.
    Articles are written as efficiently as possible according to needs, with a maximum article length of 20 pages.

  5. All pages, including references and attachments, must be numbered sequentially.

  6. Writers are advised to use the Mendeley application in writing citations and bibliography.

  7. Manuscripts must follow the MAKER script writing template.

Sistematika Penulisan Artikel

  1. Title, written in Indonesian and English. Titles in Indonesian consist of a maximum of 16 words, while titles in English consist of a maximum of 12 words.
  2. Abstract, consisting of 150-250 words in Indonesian and English. The abstract provides a summary of the article's objectives, methods, results, and article conclusions. The abstract is followed by keywords consisting of 3-5 words to make it easier to compile an article index.
  3. The introduction describes the background or reasons why this problem needs to be researched, the purpose of carrying out this research and the expectations for the results or solutions to the problem obtained. The introduction consists of subsections containing the background of the problem, problem formulation and research objectives.
  4. The theoretical basis contains a review of literature related to research which outlines the main principles of scientific concepts or limitations, norms related to research variables and hypothesis development. This theory consists of grand theory, middle theory and applied theory as well as the relationship or influence between variables.
  5. Method, contains the research plan or research design, research object, population and sample, type of data, data source, data collection techniques, and data analysis techniques.
  6. Results and Discussion, contains the results of data analysis which are used as the basis for drawing conclusions, testing hypotheses, answering research questions, findings and interpreting findings.
  7. Conclusions and Suggestions, presenting research conclusions obtained from research analysis, research limitations, and suggestions for further research.
  8. Bibliography, contains reference sources referred to in writing the article.

Tables and Figures (Graphs)

  1. Tables and figures are presented as efficiently as possible (only those presenting results) and included in the manuscript. The tables and figures presented in the appendix show the data processing process.

  2. Tables and figures are given sequential numbers and complete titles indicating the contents of the table or figure.

  3. References to tables or figures must be provided in the manuscript.
    Images must be prepared in printable form.


The quoted sentence must be copied according to the original, the name is written with the names of the two book authors or article authors, then made in year brackets accompanied by a colon and the quotation page, then after that the sentence to be quoted. Here are examples of some quotes:

  1. One quotation source with one author: (Kotler, 2006); with two authors: (Kotler and Kevin, 2007); three authors: Heidjahraman R., Sukanto R., and Irawan. (2000), more than three authors: (Budiono et. al., 1999)
    If the quote is in the quote: Kotler in (Tjiptono, 2009).


Each article must contain references arranged alphabetically (A-Z). Starting with the second name, first name, year, title, place of publication and name of publisher. The following is an example of writing a reference for the Maker format: Management Journal.

Kotler, Philip. 2006. Marketing Management. Edition V, Volume 1. Jakarta: Erlangga

Two and Three Authors

Kotler, Philip and Gary Armstrong. 2006. Marketing Management. Edition V. Volume 1. Jakarta: Erlangga

Heidjahraman R., Sukanto R., and Irawan. 2000. Introduction to Corporate Economics. Yogyakarta: Publishing Department, Faculty of Economics, UGM.

More than 3 authors

Barlow, R., et. al. 2006. Economic Behavior of the Affluent. Washington D.C.: The Brooking Institution


Bayu, Haryanto Mulyono and Yoestini. 2007. Analysis of the Influence and Quality of Service on Consumer Satisfaction (Case Study at the Puri Mediterranean Housing Complex, Semarang). Semarang: Diponegoro University. Journal of Management and Organization Studies. Volume 4, Number 2, May 23, 2017.


Petra. 2018 access year.


Fitriany and D. Sari. 2008. Study on the Implementation of PBL and its Relationship with Student Achievement. Paper presented at the XI National Accounting Symposium, Pontianak.

Thesis/Dissertation/Working Paper

Lie, Darwin. 2012. Analysis of the Influence of Principal Leadership, School Organizational Culture, Teacher Competence on Teacher Motivation and Commitment and the Implications for Teacher Performance (Case Study of High Schools in Five Districts and Cities of North Sumatra Province). Bandung: Pasundan University. Dissertation.

Policy on Plagiarism

Every author who submits an article to Maker: Journal of Management must provide a statement that the manuscript is free from plagiarism and is not being considered and published in another journal.

Policy on Data Availability

Article authors are expected to be able to provide the data they have to those who need it and provide information on how to obtain this data. If the article uses a survey or experimental approach, then all instruments (questionnaires, cases, interview plans, etc.) should be attached.

Article Submission

Articles are sent in softcopy (pdf) complete with the author's identity and research instruments if any (questionnaires, interview results, data processing results, etc.). Articles are sent via the website: provided you have a user account and password on the Open Journal System (OJS) MAKER: Journal of Management. Then please send the softcopy to the Submit Paper menu and it will be processed using the Open Journal System (OJS) application.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.